How To Speak Up Courageously At Work

Malana Yousafzai was only a teenager when she spoke up for education for girls. That sort of courage is very rare, but we can still speak up and be courageous in a smaller way in our own world.

It’s important to speak up in our work lives, whether it’s to have a greater understanding, to be more effective, or to help the team grow and develop.

Brene Brown is one of my favourite gurus, and in her podcast ‘Dare To Lead’ she talks about how we can either be a leader who hides behind their armour or a leader who dares to be courageous and speak up.

She talks about three specific areas to speak up and be courageous in:

1. Being able to have those hard conversations from a place of kindness. Whether it’s about a team members performance, taking responsibility for your mistakes, or giving feedback on your bosses behavior,

2. Being a learner and getting it right versus being a knower and being right. The team and the organisation can benefit from you asking questions and looking to learn, even when you think you know the answer. That sort of vulnerability leads to real change.

3. Instead of using shame and blame to manage others and ourselves, switch to empathy, accountability, and learning for the benefit of everyone.

If you’d like to learn more about being courageous and speaking up at work, then you can listen to Brene’s podcast here.


Jo x

If you’d like to find out what ‘dare to lead’ means in your career, then book a no-cost call with me at or contact me here.